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Logan County Schools:
ElementaryProficient Math: 32% | Distinguished Math: 11% | Proficient Reading: 30% | Distinguished Reading 12% | MiddleProficient Math: 38% | Distinguished Math: 18% | Proficient Reading: 32% | 
Distinguished Reading 20% HighProficient Math: 24% | Distinguished Math: 15% | Proficient Reading: 31% | Distinguished Reading 17%|See District Scores

The Arts, Careers, Clubs & Organizations

The Arts

5th Grade Band - The fifth-grade band class is about learning the basics of music, such as reading music, proper terminology, and differences in the instruments.  Students begin practicing instruments and will perform for an audience by winter break.

Middle School Band - Middle school band continues the music learning process with more advanced pieces of music, school performances, parent concerts, parades, and regional/district competition.  

Middle School Technology Class - Middle school technology class is a new activity class for the 2019-2020 school year.  Students will be creating instructional videos for students and teachers to use to help with common Google issues.  Students will also work with elementary students to present virtual field trips using VR and AR.

Art Activity Class - New to the 2019-2020 school year!  Students will have the opportunity to attend an art class during some of their activity periods.  Students will look at examples from different artists and use those examples to create their own works.

MakersSpace Room - Lewisburg now has a MakersSpace.  When students attend the Library for activity, they will have the opportunity to create, tinker, explore, discover, and invent using a variety of tools and materials.


Ranger Academy - Once a month students K-8 attend Ranger Academy to explore new talents, the arts, and many different career fields.  Middle school students can sign-up to attend the CTC in areas such as drafting, welding, auto mechanics, nursing, and many other career choices.  Elementary students choose between many different areas including coding, robotics, art, hiking, book club, and sports.  Ranger Academy is a fun day for all.  

Clubs & Organizations